It’S nOt a MoNEt, is OK?


You have all heard the stories of someone going to the thrift shop and finding some long forgotten masterpiece…well, I ain’t that lucky. I found something I thought was too cute to pass up and my $1.99 purchase turned into a $40 collectible.  Not a Monet, but a monkey!

It’s from a collection made from Mark Roberts. I am still doing some research but from what I could determine, he’s valued around $40.00. We also found never used, never opened french cold-pressed watercolor paper (11x14ish size) for $3.99. Sister says something like that starts over $20. Not bad for the finds of the month!

my monkey has wings!

my monkey has wings!



Found this the other day and thought it perfectly describes how I feel some days


I have come to accept this condition a bit more and am determined not to let it drive my life. I have a local community that offers gentle yoga, meditation and mat Pilates to help get my muscles moving again. The meds are still pretty strong and nothing but being still helps with the pain. I have scheduled an appointment with my acupuncturist, my job is causing so much emotional stress that I feel that affecting my flares too. Trying to find a happy medium why still staying employed!

I am still sabotaging myself with my food choices. Paleo is still my food lifestyle of choice but I give in way too often to having things that I know don’t fall into Paleo spectrum. Oh, and don’t get me started on my vitamins!!

One. Day. At. A. Time.




dis is hermiones

I stoles my hoomans computer while she was takin a pee pee

I wanna shares things wit you

you can follows me and we cans be furfriends

hooman also mades me a pinterest boards full of stuff for me!

looks at comfy beds!







Source: via Alyssa on Pinterest





HuRRicaNe mOnKey


They say it never hurts to be prepared. As a former resident of quaky California, I should know. In light of the recent hurricane’s, freezing weather and (let’s admit) government shenanigans, I am embracing  preparedness in the new year. I have a board on Pinterest full of ideas.

So, if you are preparing for Zombies or bad weather, give these two sites a look over.  I will be utilizing both for my 72 hour preparedness project. The first site, Six Sisters Stuff,  has a great three page weekly checklist for adding items to your bug out bag, checking the fire detectors and is perfect for starting small with little amount of money.  In Bowl Full of Lemons, she does wonderful things with binders, which I love about her site.  It’s an eight week blog series on preparing you and your home. It is currently running but you can start anytime.

I know that living in Arizona, that past couple of years have had some strange weather happening. We have dust storms, called haboob‘s, the last earthquake was over a hundred years ago, and we have an occasional decades long drought.  Thing is, it doesn’t matter where you live, ultimately you only have yourself to blame if you are not ready.

k, love ya, buh bye

{wOrdLess WeDnESdaY}


I recently found a website while searching for a Photo of the Day challenge called Fat Mum Slim. Of all the challenges I looked for, her’s was the best chose for this new photographer.  I am using my iPhone 4 with instagram {alysto}. Also, I use pic monkey for some occasional editing.

This photo is from Day Four and is title “The View from Here”. It’s the view from bed. it’s that or you got to see a picture of my TV. I found this a better image.

The View from Here

The View from Here


GoT A bUcK?


Over the next six months I am going to be working my budgeting and paperwork. In this move, I have learned that I can be organized! I just could use a bit of streamlining of my systems. I came cross a blog that I feel carries a bit of the Dave Ramsey philosophy. Her take is just not having two or three accounts but SEVEN {you can check her out here}. After reading her article, I have to reduce it down to six…cuz I ain’t married!

I said no resolutions for 2013, but I know this is one area that could use some “refining”.

Next month I will share about the Emergency Fund.


k, love ya, buh bye!